Tridoshic Toner
Tridoshic Toner

Tridoshic Toner

SKU #6223761244333

Тип: Toners & Astringents

Доступность: В наличии

Цены начиная с: $ 47.99


Looking to maintain your skin’s moisture? Then Calendula is your new best friend! This marigold flower has the ability to lock in moisture by stimulating collagen production while brightening the complexion. Calendula also packs an antioxidant punch thanks to its abundance of carotenoids, vitamin A & vitamin E. 
You probably know lavender for its stress-relieving aromatherapy, but did you know that there are also numerous ways in which it is beneficial for your skin? When applied topically, lavender has the ability to eradicate bacteria & regenerate skin tissue, helping to prevent & heal breakouts. It can unclog pores, soothe inflammation, work as an anti-fungal, lighten skin discoloration & even has antioxidant properties which help protect your skin from free-radical damage responsible for fine lines & wrinkles.
Rose is an aromatic, dreamy flower that is a powerful ally for fostering healthy skin. It is considered a staple in Ayurvedic skincare thanks to its soothing, moisturizing effects & is highly revered for its ability to heal & regenerate sensitive complexions. Rose contains anti-inflammatory properties & it prevents blemish-causing bacteria while minimizing the pores. Lastly, it provides your skin with vitamins A & C which are important components of collagen production.


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