Organic Cellulite Salt Scrub- 4 Oz.
Organic Cellulite Salt Scrub- 4 Oz.

Organic Cellulite Salt Scrub- 4 Oz.

SKU #6225627119789

Тип: Body Wash

Доступность: В наличии

Цены начиная с: $ 59.99


This salt scrub makes an ideal cellulite treatment since it combats most of the causes of cellulite. This scrub increases circulation, encourages toxin removal, diminishes water retention, relaxes myofascial muscle plus tightens and firms skin!
This blend is comprised of my cold infused, herbal Cellulite and Varicose Veins oil mixed with Mineral rich Himalayan Sea Salt. The herbs used strengthen connective tissue and capillary walls, improve the tone of veins, and increase circulation giving skin a more uniform texture. Anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling, high in tannins to tighten skin. Blood purifying and detoxifying properties help treat cellulite caused by toxin buildup. Although this treatment will diminish varicose veins & cellulite, lifestyle and dietary changes may also be necessary.
Apply to dry skin, rubbing in a circular motion and short upward strokes towards heart for 5-10 minutes before a hot shower. Use at least 3 times a week for fastest results.
Organic Ingredients:
Himalayan Sea Salt, Jojoba, Castor Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Green Tea Oil and Olive Oil cold infused with Cleavers, Gotu Kola, Gingko, White Willow, Rosemary, Arnica, Milk Thistle Seed, Bilberry Leaf, Horse Chestnut, Witch Hazel Leaf, Butchers Broom, White Oak Bark, Oatstraw.
Top skin care herb, detoxifies, releases excess fluid, astringent, cleanses lymphatic system.
Gotu Kola:
Improves blood circulation, promotes the formation of connective tissues’ main compounds – collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycan. which helps support the veins.
Improves circulation, high in antioxidants.
White Willow:
Strengthens blood vessels, stimulates excess water loss. 
Anti inflammatory, aids circulation, boost immune system.
Muscle relaxant eases tension of the myofascial muscle which causes dimpling in the skin, decreases inflammation, increases circulation.
Milk Thistle Seed:
Cleanses toxins from the blood, increases blood flow, high in antioxidants.
Bilberry Leaf:
Astringent, Antiinflammatory, very powerful against free radicals, reinforces blood vessel walls, firming, stimulates circulation.
Horse Chestnut:
Reduces swelling, combats inflammation, and improves sluggish circulation, decreases fluid leakage from small blood vessels.
Witch Hazel Leaf:
Astringent, Increase vein tone and elasticity, anti inflammatory.
Butchers Broom:
Used for centuries to treat cellulite. Helps increase circulation of blood in the capillaries which helps dissolve cellulite. Encourages the dilatation of blood vessels, thereby encouraging removal of varicose veins and cellulite from the body. Also stimulates the production of collagen, improving skin tone which is damaged due to varicose veins and cellulite. 
White Oak Bark:
Astringent quality from high tannin content, it binds with protein of the tissues, strengthens capillaries and veins, high in minerals, antiseptic, anti inflammatory.
Eases spasms and inflammation allowing engorged cells to relax, release fluid, and cool off. Helps tighten and elasticize your veins, eliminating varicosities
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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