Organic Detoxifying Hair And Scalp Mask- 9oz

Organic Detoxifying Hair And Scalp Mask- 9oz

SKU #6224204562605

Type: Hair Styling Products

Availability: In Stock

Prices starting from: H 24320.79


Clay on your hair? Sounds insanely drying but not when you use Rhassoul Clay which adds moisture to your hair and Kaolin Clay which doesn't remove your hairs natural oil. These clays combined with the top hair and scalp detoxifying herbs will deeply cleanse your hair's shaft, follicles and scalp removing toxins, dirt, product buildup and dandruff leaving your hair refreshingly clean and stronger!
This mask improves your scalp's circulation which stimulates hair growth. This treatment also combats hair loss from toxin buildup in the scalp, one of the leading causes for hair loss in men and women. This blend can also fight premature greying, improve hair's strength and shine. Moisturize and nourish your hair with a heavy dose of vitamins, minerals and silica(your hair's best friend!). Also treats eczema, psoriasis, dandruff and dry scalp.
Directions: Mix at least 1/3 cup clay with filtered water until clay is very liquidy. Avoid using metal when mixing since metal decreases the clays pulling ability. Apply just to scalp or to hair and scalp, cover with a shower cap and leave 30-60 minutes. This clay/herb mix is most effective at detoxing after a hot shower or during a bath to open up the pores, but is not necessary for a regular hair treatment. Can be applied to wet or dry hair, clean or dirty.
This blend is 25% finely ground organic and wildcrafted herbs, and 75% sustainably sourced, high quality clay. The medicinal value of the herbs will decrease after a year. All my mask are bottled in Amber Glass Jars.
Disclaimer: Clay hair mask are safe on naturally dyed hair such as Henna dye. If your hair has received any chemical treatments or dyes this mask will strip your hair of it, it's on a mission to make your hair toxin free and nothing will stop it! So this makes a great treatment if you want to start over with your natural hair but not if you're trying to keep your chemical treatment in. 
Organic Ingredients: Rhassoul Clay, Kaolin Clay, Nettle Leaf, Gingko, Milk Thistle Seed, Burdock Root, Marshmallow Root, White Sage, Rosemary, and Calendula.
Medicinal Value of ingredients:
Rhassoul Clay: Clay might sound harsh to put on your hair but Rhassoul actually moisturizes your hair while deeply cleansing and detoxifying, leaving your hair softer, stronger and healthier! Very rich in minerals and silica.
Kaolin Clay: Kaolin is also high silica and minerals, increases scalp circulation, and strengthens hair. Kaolin has an amazing ability to pull out toxins, but is great on hair because it doesn't draw out the hairs natural oil!
Nettle: Improves scalp circulation, stimulates hair roots, treats hair loss, soothes skin, restores hair, purifies and detoxes.
Ginkgo: Reduces hair loss, strengthens hair, adds shine, detoxifying, increases circulation, stimulates hair growth.
Milk Thistle Seed: Removes pollutants and waist, antioxidants, anti inflammatory, treats psoriasis and eczema, repairs UV damage.
Burdock Root: Increases circulation, detoxes epidermal tissue, protects against cellular damage and abnormal growths, high in fatty acids and nutrients, combats hair loss, improves hair's strength, shine and body, stimulates hair growth, treats dandruff.
Marshmallow Root: Used on hair for at least 3000 years. Moisturizes hair and scalp, rich in protein and vitamins.
White Sage: Fights premature greying, restores natural color and shine, promotes hair growth, high minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, treats eczema and psoriasis.
Rosemary: Slows greying of hair, treats dandruff, adds shine, increases scalp circulation, nourishes scalp and hair, treats hair loss and eczema.
Calendula: Hydrates scalp, treats dandruff, heals damaged scalp, stimulates hair growth, regenerative properties help hair follicles grow abundantly, anti inflammatory, antibacterial, treats eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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